Items already in my Medical Clutter set, but this download includesĪll the furniture and other deco pieces which Hekate999 originally Of Hekate999’s Hospital Set for The Sims 3 :) I did many of her Hey guys! Today I have another anon request for you- a conversion If you find any mp3 or mp4 files of simlish music you’d like added, send them to me or drop me a message and I’ll add it! Natasha Bedingfield - Pocket Full Of Sunshine Here is a tracklist of the current music, incase you’re picky and want to grab only certain songs: If you’re me, you can unselect all the Sims 4 provided music for those channels, and only play these. Look for a green check mark next to them. When you go in game, go to settings, music, and make sure they are enabled. Just make sure the mp3 files are in a folder, whichever you prefer. Let the two folders overwrite the pre-existing ones, or place the tracks individually in whatever station you prefer. Recommended Install Instructions: Download the zip file, and place the “alternative” and “pop” folders in Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Custom Music. So here are some of my favorite songs from The Sims 2 for console, and a couple from other renditions of The Sims 2. It was a pain in the buns converting the audio files and changing to bitrate, and testing it all. The Sims 2 for PS2 was one of my favorite games when I was younger, and the music brings back so much nostalgia that I had a deep need for it in the Sims 4 game. Simlish Radio Music (from The Sims 2 for The Sims 4)